
Nezabudnuteľné svetové hity, v kombinácii so skvelými choreografiami a originálnymi kostýmami, už nedostanete z hlavy! Pripomenú vám tajné rande, rozchody, motýle v bruchu a divoké žúry. Kde ste boli, keď svetové hitparády ovládla Lambada? Na kupku asi, lebo bol júl 1989. A kde ste boli, keď fičalo Mambo No. 5 a Livin´la vida loca? No ako všetci. Na začiatku nového milénia. Uvoľnená atmosféra, vtipné sprievodné slovo, škola tanca a tombola?! Čo si?!  Bude to žúr roka!


Where were you when Lambada hit the top charts and stayed there for 20 weeks in a row? At the beach, probably, it was July 1989. And what about when Mambo No.5 and Livin La Vida Loca took the dancefloor world over? Your were where everyone else was - at the break of the new millenium. Or maybe you weren´t even born yet? Unforgettable pop hits, great choreos and original costumes! You will remember all your secret dates and wild parties. Top pf the Pops is a musical show with cool vibe, entertaining presenter, a dance class and a raffle! This is the party of the year!

S podporou: Nadácia Tvorba a Umenie Andrea Bratislavská


Dresscode: elegant/stylish


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