
La Boca je vychýrená štvrť v Buenos Aires, kam vás zavedie speváčka Jana Bútorová so svojou kapelou. Argentínske tangá vás prevedú príbehom lásky nespútanej Marie, ktorá dušu upísala  tangu. La Boca je predstavenie plné slobody a vášne, pretkané hudbou, spevom, slovom a tancom. "La boca" sú aj ústa, ktoré v prítmí kabaretného osvetlenia pobozkajú vaše srdce. Bude to neobyčajný zážitok.

La Boca is a famous neighbourhood in Buenos Aires full of street musicians and singer Jana Butorova with her band will take you there for one night. They will play some great Argentinian tangos and tell you about a love story of a wild Maria who´d given up her soul to tango. La Boca is a performance full of freedom and passion, lined with music, dance, tango songs and spoken word. "La boca" means mouth in Spanish, the mouth that will kiss your heart in the dim cabaret light. An experience you shouldn´t miss.


Koprodukcia Red Cat Cabaret s.r.o. a SLB Agency s.r.o.


Dresscode: elegant/stylish/tango argentino


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